The Top 5 SEO Benefits Blogging Can Have on Your Website

The SEO benefits of blogging are undeniable. In addition to generating search engine traffic, blogging helps your company to establish your company’s industry expertise. Additionally, blogging can impact your website by increasing the number of leads that you receive and will improve your conversion rates. Finally, blogging generates long-term results that will help your website and brand attract customers for many years to come.

1) Blogging increases the amount of traffic to your website. The ability to drive traffic to your website is perhaps the most well-known SEO benefit offered by blogging. As you add content and pages to your website, your domain pages are gradually indexed by Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. As a result, your search visibility will grow along with your website traffic. In this way, blogging is a bit like the job search process. The more resumes that you distribute, the greater the likelihood that you will attract employers.

2) A blog helps your website showcase your company’s industry expertise. Blogging provides an excellent means of sharing information regarding your products and services. Additionally, your blog is a great forum through which you can share helpful tips and industry updates with prospects who visit your website. These industry insights and tips will help your website build your authority and reputation in your field. Prospects will also be more likely to trust your brand.

3) Blogging will boost your website lead volume. The number of leads generated by a website typically increases as the website’s number of pages grows. According to Hubspot, businesses with websites containing over 400 pages receive six times the number of leads received by businesses with websites that contain 51-100 pages. Blogging is an effective means by which you can expand your website’s content pages while simultaneously setting the foundation for increased lead volume.

4) Your lead conversion rate will improve through blogging. While lead volume is important, it is an improvement in lead conversion rate that most businesses desire. They want prospects to turn into buying customers. When prospects see an active blog on your website, they will see that your website is being regularly updated. This helps to build a sense of trust and respect for your company’s brand and products. As your website visitors grow to trust and respect your brand, your lead conversion rate increases. The ultimate result is an increase in new buying customers for your company as well as growth in your repeat business.

5) Blogging will produce valuable long-term results for your company. The beauty of blogging lies in its ability to produce long-term benefits for your website and company. As you begin to develop your blog, it is important to recognize that it takes time for a blog to generate results for your website. Blogging experts will point out over two-thirds of the traffic generated by a blog is generated by blog content that was posted months ago as opposed to new content. In this way, the benefits of blogging are much like the benefits of compound interest. Simply put, the hard work that you put in to your blogging today can produce hundreds of thousands of future website views.

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