Business in Trouble? Why SEO isn’t the Immediate Answer

While enjoying higher standing within search rankings can be of benefit for large and small businesses alike, search engine optimization (SEO) involves many drawbacks that make it less than an ideal marketing solution when dealing with certain issues and situations. Pay per click (PPC) advertising offers greater speed, expansiveness and a higher conversion rate than SEO. From new businesses and startups seeking the immediate traction and momentum needed to establish themselves within a competitive marketplace to businesses interested in promoting time-sensitive opportunities, PPC marketing methods can provide greater flexibility than SEO which makes them a resource no business can afford to overlook.

Using PPC to Promote a New Startup 

The launch of a new business can be a critical time, one that may determine its viability and commercial future. While SEO is a very effective tool for long-term marketing strategies, new businesses would be wise to choose another option that allows them more quickly establish themselves. Simply trending upwards in the search rankings is rarely enough to ensure a new business is able to make a splash and get noticed during its launch. PPC allows businesses to get their name out there and increase web traffic without delay.

Startups that fail to attract early attention, generate buzz or stand out from the competition during their launch may be faced with an uphill battle when it comes to their long-term survival. PPC marketing resources can play a key role in helping new businesses to promote themselves and attract and acquire new clientele during the critical time immediately before and after a launch. Given the failure rate of new startups, overlooking marketing solutions that can provide greater advantage and superior results is a mistake that few new businesses are in a position to make twice.

PPC Marketing Offers Superior Flexibility

SEO takes time in order to provide the level and quality of results that businesses seek to enjoy. This lack of flexibility makes SEO the wrong tool for the job when it comes to promoting time-sensitive opportunities or taking advantage of market trends that may be short lived. Wile PPC marketing typically involves much greater cost than SEO, it does not need to be maintained for long periods of time in order to be effective. A successful marketing campaign hinges on finding the right tool for the job, and the greater flexibility of PPC makes it the ideal choice for dealing with unexpected circumstances or capitalizing on time-sensitive opportunities.

Using PPC to Promote Sales, Product Launches and Promotional Opportunities 

There are plenty of times when established businesses need to generate a little extra buzz. PCC provides an effective way to increase site traffic, improve search rankings and generate the additional buzz and interest that may be needed in order to ensure a successful sale or product launch. Knowing which resource to turn to in order to ensure more immediate and effective results for key situations is not a matter that should be taken lightly. Professional PPC marketing campaigns can provide much-needed kick during key situations.

Investing operational costs into the launch of a new product or service and then failing to attract the interest and attention of customers can be nothing short of a disaster. SEO marketing methods require far too long to produce results, making them an ill-suited choice for businesses attempting to hype a new product launch or market a promotional event. It may even be possible to recoup PPC advertising costs through the additional revenue and sales that only a successful promotional event or launch may be able to provide.

Using PPC in Concert With SEO 

PPC can be used to improve the effectiveness of an SEO campaign that may be working but not working well enough. Augmenting the results of an SEO campaign that may be struggling to retain momentum or providing diminishing returns can help to ensure that existing marketing efforts and promotional strategies are able to be more effective. PPC can offer an effective way to deal with slumps, struggling sales figures and other issues typically experienced by businesses during the ‘off’ season.

Working With the Right PPC Provider

The services and expertise of the right marketing service can play a key role in ensuring that online and digital advertising efforts are met with greater success. Dealing with the wrong service or doing business with a provider that may be unable to provide superior results at a competitive price can create no end of problems. PPC marketing is a valuable tool, one that has the ability to provide greater flexibility and more immediate results than would be possible with SEO or through using SEO alone. By electing to do business with the right PPC marketing service, businesses can ensure that their marketing costs will be more likely to provide them with the quality of results they seek.

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